Explore a variety of Indonesian government scholarships that provide opportunities to continue education from high school to doctoral level, with support for tuition fees, living expenses, and more.
Scholarships are one of the best solutions for those who want to continue their education but are constrained by financial problems.
The Indonesian government, through various scholarship programs, is here to provide financial support so that students can receive higher education without the burden of costs.
This scholarship covers not only tuition fees, but also living expenses, transportation, and educational supplies. Here are 10 scholarship programs managed by the Indonesian government that you must know about to continue your education to a higher level.
1. Smart Indonesia Program (PIP)
The Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) is a cash assistance provided by the government to students from underprivileged or vulnerable families.
This scholarship aims to ease the cost of education from elementary school to high school/vocational school. The cash assistance provided for each level is:
- Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School: 450,000 per year
- Junior high school/Islamic junior high school: 750,000 per year
- High School/Vocational High School/Islamic High School: 1,000,000 per year
The East Kalimantan Scholarship Completed program, along with the PIP program, allows children from underprivileged families to continue their education without being burdened by costs.
Registration is usually done simultaneously with the acceptance of new students, ensuring broader access to quality education.
2. Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for College
KIP Kuliah is a scholarship given to high school graduates or equivalent who have high academic potential but are constrained by economic problems. This scholarship can be used to register for state or private universities. This scholarship covers:
- Tuition fees, the amount of which depends on the accreditation of the study program. For example, for a study program with A accreditation, this scholarship covers up to IDR 12 million per semester, and for B accreditation, a maximum of IDR 4 million per semester.
- Cost of living, with various clusters ranging from Rp 800,000 to Rp 1.4 million per month, depending on residence and campus location.
- KIP Kuliah registration follows the selection path of each PTN, such as SNBP, UTBK, or independent path.
3. Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI)
The Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) is aimed at D4, S1, and S3 level students who wish to continue their studies at home or abroad.
Each year, more than 3,000 scholarship recipients are given the opportunity to develop their abilities in education. Registration for this scholarship is usually opened twice a year, in April and September.
4. Outstanding Scholarship
The Unggulan Scholarship is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, and is intended for outstanding undergraduate to doctoral students. This scholarship covers tuition fees, book fees, and a monthly allowance.
This scholarship is available for new students and students who are already in semester 1 to semester 3. Registration for this scholarship is usually done in October every year.
5. Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM)
The Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM) is awarded to high school/vocational school students and undergraduate graduates who excel in academic and non-academic fields, such as in science, technology, art, culture, sports, and entrepreneurship.
To be able to get this scholarship, prospective recipients must have achievements at the national or international level that are recognized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas).
This scholarship covers not only tuition fees, but also living expenses. BIM registration is usually opened in two stages, namely in June and October.
6. Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik)
The Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik) is awarded to students from disadvantaged, outermost, and isolated (3T) areas, as well as children of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) and people with disabilities.
This scholarship is available from D3 to S1 level at both state and private universities. The ADik Scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, and educational equipment for students with disabilities.
This scholarship aims to provide equal educational opportunities for those from areas with limited access to education.
7. LPDP (Education Fund Management Institute) Scholarship
LPDP Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarships managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. This scholarship is open for Masters and Doctoral levels, both domestically and abroad.
LPDP has several categories, such as Targeted Scholarships, General Scholarships, Affirmative Scholarships, and Collaborative Scholarships. LPDP Scholarships cover full tuition fees, living expenses, and various other costs related to study.
LPDP registration is opened routinely every year with various selection paths that are in accordance with educational needs.
8. Indonesia Rising Scholarship (BIB)
Indonesia Bangkit Scholarship (BIB) is offered by the Ministry of Religion in collaboration with LPDP for undergraduate to doctoral levels.
This scholarship is intended for graduates of Madrasah Aliyah, Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan, and other educational institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools.
This scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses with the choice of Regular S1, Achievement S1, and Domestic Tahfidz S1 scholarships. BIB registration is carried out in certain months each year, with procedures that are easily accessible to prospective recipients.
9. Aperti BUMN Scholarship
The Aperti BUMN Scholarship is a scholarship program organized by the BUMN Higher Education Alliance for high-achieving high school/equivalent graduates who wish to continue their education at Aperti BUMN member universities, such as Pertamina University, ITPLN, Telkom University, and others.
This scholarship covers tuition fees and living expenses, with applications taking place in June to July each year.
10. Ministry of Communication and Information Scholarship
The Kominfo Scholarship is managed by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) and is open to ASN, members of the TNI/Polri, and the general public who wish to continue their studies in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
This scholarship offers full tuition fees at domestic and overseas campuses that collaborate with Kominfo, as well as monthly operational assistance. Registration for this scholarship usually opens in March each year.
Indonesian government scholarships offer a variety of opportunities to continue education without the burden of financial problems. From scholarships for high school students to doctoral students, each program has different terms and conditions.
One such program is the Outstanding Scholarship, which is designed to support high-achieving students in pursuing their education. Therefore, make sure you choose a scholarship that suits your level of education and the field of study you want to pursue.
Don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of this scholarship program, which will greatly help realize your dream of continuing your higher education.